Sheraton 2 Drawer Stand in Maple, Banded Curly Maple Top with Decorative Inlay, Birdseye Maple Drawer Fronts, Circa 1820, Pretty Brass Rosette Knobs SKU: LA-866

Pair of Diminutive 2 Drawer Hepplewhite-Style Stands in Mahogany & Maple, Tapered Legs, 20th Century SKU: LA-855

Empire 2 Drawer Drop Leaf Stand with Lower Shelf in Mahogany with Tiger Maple Drawer Fronts with Stringing, Circa 1830 SKU: LA-847

Empire 3 Drawer Drop Leaf Sewing Stand in Mahogany, Acanthus Leaf Carved Legs, Circa 1830, Original Brass Rosette Knobs SKU: LA-844

Sheraton One Drawer, Drop Leaf Stand, Fruitwood with Fancy Birdseye Maple Drawer Front, Circa 1820 SKU: LA-713

Sheraton One Drawer, Cherry Drop Leaf Sewing Stand with Needlework Bag, Tiger Maple, Ebony Inlay Drawer Front, Leaf Carved Legs with Diamond Inlays, Circa 1820 SKU: LA-739

Sheraton 2 Drawer, Drop Leaf Stand in Birch with Tiger Maple Drawer Fronts, Circa 1820 SKU: LA-679

Empire Pedestal Base 2 Drawer Stand with Drop Leaves in Mahogany with Glass Knobs, Circa 1830 SKU: BG092824

Empire 2 Drawer Drop Leaf Stand on Decorative Pedestal resting on Platform with Scroll Feet, Mahogany, American, Circa 1830, Original Glass Knobs SKU: LK051424B

Empire 2 Drawer Stand in Mahogany with Banded Top, Glass Knobs, Brass Castors, Circa 1830 SKU: LA-809

Empire 2 Drawer Drop Leaf Stand in Mahogany with Rope Twist Carved Legs, Circa 1830 SKU: PA082724

Sheraton 3 Drawer, Drop Leaf Sewing Stand in Mahogany with Rope Carved Legs, Circa 1820 SKU: LA-740

Sheraton 3 Drawer Drop Leaf Sewing Stand in Mahogany with Rope Carved Legs, Circa 1820 SKU: LA-672

One Drawer, Drop Leaf Stand in Mahogany with Green Leather Inset Top, Late 19th C, Stamped: Jas (James) Shoolbred & Co. London SKU: LA-702

Nautical Standing 1 Door Cabinet, "Capt. Mahone, U.S. Navy" Paint not original SKU: LA-699

Bedside Cabinet with Gallery in Mahogany, Door with Compass Rose Inlay over 1 Drawer, Tapered Legs, Circa 1800 SKU: BM092022G

Sheraton Corner Washstand in Maple, Top has cutouts with Scallop-edge Gallery, Central Drawer in Lower Shelf, Circa 1820 SKU: LA-282

SKU: LA204
Empire Two Drawer, Drop Leaf Stand in Mahogany w/ Rope Craved Legs on Casters, Circa 1830

SKU: LA205
Sheraton Two Drawer Stand in Mahogany w/ Tiger Maple Drawer Fronts, Circa 1820

SKU: LA174
Empire Drop Leaf 2 Drawer Stand in Mahogany w/ Tiger Maple Drawer Fronts. Original Hardware. Circa 1830

SKU: GR082821G
Federal Cookie Corner2 Drawer Stand w/ Reeded Legs in Mahogany, Circa 1820

SKU: PA030318B
Sheraton 2 Drawer Stand with Reeded Legs in Mahogany, Early 19th Century

SKU: LA155
Early Empire 2 Drawer Stand in Cherry w/ Birdseye Maple Drawer Fronts, Circa 1830

SKU: LA142
Empire 2 Drawer Work Stand in Mahogany w/ rope carved legs & fitted interior drawer, Circa 1830

SKU: SR110620B
Country Sheraton One Drawer Washstand with Lower Shelf in Tiger Maple, Circa 1810

SKU: LA244
Empire One Drawer Stand in Tiger Maple with New York Legs, Original Wood Knobs, Circa 1830

SKU: LA244
Sheraton One Drawer Stand in Tiger Maple with Original Glass Knob, Circa 1820

SKU: LB052522D
Empire 2-Drawer, Drop Leaf Work Stand in Mahogany with Rope Carved Legs, Circa 1830

SKU: LA-252
Empire 2-Drawer Drop Leaf Stand in Mahogany with Rope Carved Legs on Casters, Circa 1830, Original Brass Hardware

SKU: LA207
Empire Two Drawer Drop Leaf Stand in Cherry w/ Mahogany Drawer Fronts, Circa 1830

SKU: LA-267
Empire 2 Drawer, Drop Leaf Stand in Mahogany with Birdseye Maple Drawer Fronts, Reeded Legs on Casters, Original Ring Pulls, Circa 1830

SKU: LB052522E
Sheraton Two Drawer Stand in Mahogany with Tiger Maple Drawer Fronts, Circa 1820

SKU: LA157
Drop Leaf One Drawer Stand w/ Acanthus Carved Legs in Cherry, Tiger Maple Drawer Front, Circa 1830

SKU: LA-280
Empire 2 Drawer Stand, Circa 1830, Crotch Grain Mahogany Top with Banding, Rope Carved Legs on Casters

SKU: LA226
Sheraton Cookie Corner 2 Drawer Stand with Rope Carved Legs in Mahogany, Circa 1820

SKU: LA-297
Sheraton 2 Drawer, Drop Leaf Stand in Mahogany with Rope Carved Legs on Casters, Circa 1830

SKU: BM092022K
Sheraton Style One-Drawer Stand in Cherry with Birdseye Maple Drawer Front, New York Style Square Legs, Circa 1830

SKU: LA-279
Empire 2 Drawer, Drop Leaf Stand in Mahogany, Circa 1830, Lion Head Pull Ring Hardware

SKU: LA-173
Empire Drop Leaf 2 Drawer Stand in Mahogany with Rope Carved Legs, Circa 1830, Original Hardware

SKU: LA-305
Sheraton 2 Drawer Stand in Mahogany with Tiger Maple Inlaid Banding to Top, Birdseye Maple Drawer Fronts, Circa 1830

SKU: LA-321
Empire 2 Drawer Stand in Cherry and Mahogany, Turned Legs on Casters, Original Glass Knobs, Circa 1820

SKU: LA-298
Empire 2 Drawer Stand in Mahogany with Birdseye Maple Drawer Fronts & Pressed Glass Knobs, Circa 1830

SKU: LA-290
Empire 2 Drawer Drop Leaf Stand in Cherry with Mahogany Drawer Fronts, Circa 1830

SKU: JC100622A
Pair Serpentine Front 4 Drawer Bedside Chests, Cedar-lined Drawers, "Stanley" Furniture

SKU: LA-643
Sheraton One Drawer Stand in Birch, Rounded Cut-Corner Top, Birdseye Maple Drawer Front, Circa 1820

SKU: LA-359
Sheraton 2 Drawer Stand in Mahogany with Birdseye & Inlay Drawer Fronts, Circa 1820

SKU: LA-684
Pair of Custom Sheraton Style 2 Drawer Cookie Corner Stands in Mahogany with Reeded Legs, Signed "Gordon W. Deming, Southwick, Mass 1957"

SKU: LA-686
Pair of Sheraton Style 2 Drawer Stands in Mahogany with Birdseye Maple Drawer Fronts & Reeded Legs, Circa 1900

SKU: LA-687
Empire 2 Drawer Stand in Cherry with Tiger Maple Drawer Fronts, Circa 1840

SKU: LA-673
Sheraton 3 Drawer Drop Leaf Sewing Stand in Mahogany with Rope Carved Legs, Bag for Needlework, Circa 1820

SKU: LA-704
Country Hepplewhite One Drawer, Tapered Leg Stand in Tiger Maple, Circa 1800

SKU: GB072723
Martha Washington Sewing Stand in Mahogany with String Inlay, 3 Drawers with 2 Side Pockets, Tapered Legs, Early 20th C, Original Brass Knobs

SKU: LA-737
Sheraton One Drawer Stand in Birch with Birdseye Maple Drawer Front, Circa 1820

SKU: LA-345
Sheraton One-Drawer Drop Leaf Stand in Mahogany with String Inlay Detail, Reeded Legs, Circa 1820

SKU: LA-738
Empire 2 Drawer Stand in Mahogany with Tiger Maple Drawer Fronts, Circa 1830

SKU: LA-689
Empire 2 Drawer Stand, Mahogany with Tiger Maple Drawer Fronts with Banding, Circa 1830

SKU: LA-714
Sheraton 2 Drawer, Drop Leaf Stand in Cherry with Birdseye Maple Drawer Fronts, Circa 1830

SKU: LA-781
Empire Style 2 Drawer Stand in Maple with Acanthus Leaf Carved Legs, Not Antique

SKU: LA-272
English Washstand in Mahogany, with Recessed Panel Door & Lower Pot Shelf, Circa 1800

SKU: LA-782
Empire Style 2 Drawer Stand in Maple with Acanthus Leaf Carved Legs, Not Antique

SKU: LA-710
Sheraton 2 Drawer, Drop Leaf Stand in Cherry, Circa 1830, Original Brass Thistle Knobs

SKU: LA-750
Empire Washstand in Mahogany, One Drawer with Lower Shelf & Backsplash with Brass Rosettes, Circa 1830

SKU: LA-322
Washstand in Mahogany, with Lower Shelf & Drawer, Brass Feet, Top not original, Circa 1820

SKU: LA-749
Sheraton-Empire Transitional 2 Drawer Stand in Mahogany with Birdseye Maple Drawer Fronts, Circa 1820

SKU: LA-736
Hepplewhtie 2 Drawer Stand in Mahogany with Satinwood Banding, 19th Century, Interesting Floral Motif Brasses

SKU: LA-777
Sheraton 2 Drawer Drop Leaf in Mahogany with Rope Carved Legs, Original Hardware, Circa 1820

SKU: LA-644
Sheraton One Drawer Stand in Tiger Maple, Top has an applied Gallery Edge, Circa 1820

SKU: LA-281
Empire One Drawer Stand in Tiger Maple with New York Style Legs, Circa 1830

SKU: LA-656
Empire 2 Drawer, Drop-Leaf Sewing Stand in Mahogany, Pedestal with Scroll-Foot Base, Circa 1880

Sheraton-Empire Transitional One Drawer Stand in Cherry with Tiger Maple Drawer Front with String Inlay, Circa 1830, Oval Pull not original SKU: LA-823

Sheraton 2 Drawer Stand in Cherry with Tiger Maple Drawer Fronts with Ebony Banding, Circa 1830 SKU: LA-692

Sheraton 2 Drawer Stand in Mahogany with Birdseye Maple Banded Drawer Fronts, Diamond Carved Legs on Brass Casters, Circa 1820 SKU: LA-797

Empire 2 Drawer Stand in Mahogany with Birdseye Maple Drawer Fronts, Circa 1830 SKU: LA-693

Empire 2 Drawer Stand in Mahogany with Figured Maple/Banded Drawer Fronts, Leaf Carved Legs on Casters, Circa 1830 SKU: LA-805

Sheraton 2 Drawer Stand in Cherry, Birdseye Maple Drawer Fronts with Tiger Maple Banding, Circa 1830 SKU: LA-645

Reproduction Sheraton 2 Drawer Stand w/ Reeded Legs & Lower Shelf in Maple SKU: LA

Empire 2 Drawer Stand in Maple with Tiger Maple Drawer Fronts, Circa 1830 SKU:JR081124

Empire 2 Drawer Stand in Cherry with Birdseye Maple Drawer Fronts, Circa 1830 SKU: LA-803

Empire 2 Drawer Stand in Mahogany with Tiger Maple Drawer Fronts, Circa 1830 SKU: LA-358

Empire One Drawer Stand in Maple & Tiger Maple, Circa 1830, Original Glass Knob SKU: SS060624C

Sheraton 2 Drawer, Drop Leaf Stand in Cherry, Circa 1820 SKU: LA-728

Sheraton-Style 2 Drawer Stand in Mahogany, Top has Beaded Edge, Not Antique SKU: LA-273

Pair of One Drawer Stands in Birdseye Maple with Pull-out & Lower Shelf, Not Antique SKU: LA-760